On Tuesday evening at an exclusive showcase event hosted by the five-star Hyatt Regency Sydney, Rock and Roll Team Building announced its support of the Australian Children’s Music Foundation (ACMF).
The Australian Children’s Music Foundation (ACMF) is a not-for-profit organisation inspiring creativity and imagination by providing weekly music education classes and instruments to disadvantaged children and youth at risk throughout Australia.
Watch a short video narrated by Russell Crowe about the ACMF here.
75% of Australian public schools do not have dedicated music teachers. In 2002, singer-songwriter, Don Spencer, OAM, founded the ACMF to address the needs of children who were not getting the benefits of music education.
“Research has proven the importance of music and arts education. And yet so many children don’t have access to music lessons. This is alarming. Every private school in the world teaches music. When I was young, every school had a music teacher and a piano. Where did the system go wrong?” – Don Spencer
Rock and Roll Team Building will be supporting the ACMF through a number of measures however, the primary focus will be presenting clients with the opportunity to fund an ACMF program when they book a Rock and Roll Team Building workshop.
Rock and Roll Team Building founder, Ciaran Gribbin, is an Ambassador for the ACMF and band member, Peter Northcote, is an ACMF Board Member and Ambassador. Rock and Roll Team Building’s Indigenous rockstar, Jonathan Lindsay-Tjapaltjarri Hermawan (Apakatjah), is also one of ACMF’s workshop facilitators.