Service Description
Professional Conference & Event Organisers from groups of 25 to 350 is our specialist market. We have the experience and skills to produce professional results even on a shoestring budget. Undertaking your project from scratch would demand agreat deal of your staff’ s valuable time. As a PCO we have the experience you need. We also have great experience in Incentive planning and reward management.
Our company is big on experience and small on overheads with the result that you will get a professional, experienced organisation working with you at a cost that will surprise you in terms of value for money.
The other benefit is that you will get Allen Dewhirst actually involved in managing your event. Not many of our competitors can claim that their Managing Director will be directly involved in your important event.
Finally because of Allen’s extensive experience he may also be able to help you secure sponsorship for your event and reduce your costs even further.